De-Paul School, Aska has grown a balanced and comprehensive
curriculum that nurtures the students of the school over the past twenty-two
years. It has sustained a high academic standard. A comprehensive and balanced curriculum nurtures the individual talents of students and teachers help them to relate the experiences of the classroom to the realities of the world outside.

Our nursery children blossom in a nurturing environment. A class teacher and a lady support staff cater to individual need of the little ones. The formative years of schooling are critical. De-Paul School, Aska stress on the basic skills in the 4R’s Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Discover with particular emphasis on nurturing the development of oral and reading skills. Besides developing basic concepts in each area, the focus of the CBSE curriculum in this critical preparatory phase is to develop the child’s attitude and aptitude to be a life-long learner.
The challenge is to sharpen the learner’s ability to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge to day-to-day life situations. In short, to be able to put what she/he has learnt to good use. In the Primary and pre-primary classes, the areas of study are languages, (English and Hindi), Mathematics, Environment Studies, and Computer Literacy. The content is drawn from the student’s immediate environment and strategies are adopted to enhance their skills of observation, collection, classification, experimentation, estimation, prediction, and drawing of inferences.
The Junior School curriculum is child-centred and activity based so that learning is made fun and enjoyable. The middle school years provide the foundation on which young learners build a promising and fulfilling future and successfully provides for the emotional, physical and social well-being of young minds to become self -aware, creative, empathetic listeners and effective communicators. A happy, stimulating, secure learning environment ensures happy, sensitive, life- long learners who will be change makers in society.
The Science lab has taken scientific temper and spirit of enquiry to a new level and students eagerly engage in learning the concept of science through experiments conducted in the laboratory. These laboratory experiments go hand in hand with field trips and augment learning.
Projects and activities are an integral part of this curriculum. CBSE has introduced practical-learning in Social Science and Mathematics with a Weightage of 20%, while the Weightage for practicals in Science and Technology has been increased to 40%. Learning areas include two Languages- Communicative English, Second language Hindi, Mathematics, Science & Technology, Social Science, Work Experience, Art Education, Physical and Health Education. Teaching is done through lectures, projects, presentation, group discussion, workshops and seminars. Testing and examination are regular, rigorous in accordance with the CBSE pattern.
The Class Assemblies as well as Special Assemblies offer ample opportunity for each child to go up on stage and showcase her/his talent. The life skills imbibed during these opportunities and field trips are indeed enduring lessons of life itself.
The high school students get introduced to a life-skill programme that rests on the beliefs of ‘leadership’. Students are made to understand the multidimensional concepts of leadership through experiential learning.
In today’s world of globalization, the primary aim of education is to empower and equip students with relevant skills to step out confidently into the world that both beckons and challenges. The CBSE curriculum is designed towards achieving this goal and is on par with international standards. This is the time that the interest and aptitude of the students crystallises into a desire for learning that is in tandem with their inclinations and preferences.